Amelie Sarah Ling Gerber
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Amelie Sarah Ling Gerber
Born: Sheng Xue Ling
June 10, 2007
Joined our Family on August 4, 2008
From Guangzhou, China

Other related links:

Family Resource Center Adoption Agency

Family Resource Center Group 51 Blog

Our journey began over three years ago when we decided to adopt a child from China. We were teamed with eight other families in the Chicago area and have patiently waited for our referral from the Chinese government. On June 10, 2007 a baby girl was left in the front door of a market in Donglan County. The Welfare Institute gave her the name Sheng Xue Ling. Her tragic beginning has miraculously turned into a blessing for all of us. We will all meet eachother on August 4, 2008 and our journey will start a new chapter.......together.

Once upon a time in China there was a baby girl who lived in a big room with lots of other babies.

The girls shared cribs with one another and became great friends.  The girls had nannies to take care of them, but each was missing something.....a mother.

Far away across the ocean was a woman who also had many friends, but she was missing something, too.......a baby.

Borrowed from Rose Lewis...Author of.....I Love You Like Crazy Cakes 
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